My dream about my career.

Assalamualaikum. How are dear brothers and sisters? I hope you all are well by the grace of Almighty Allah. Alhamdulillah I am also well by the mercy of Allah, the most High.
I today would like to share my dream about my career with all of you.
Career means a profession or an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life and with opportunities for progress. Everyone has a dream of doing something good and earning money after completing study. Someone wants to be entrepreneur, someone want to be government job holder, someone wants to be doctor and someone engineer. In this modern age, someone wants to be a programmer, someone web developer while someone want to be IT expert.
The present world depends on IT. Now we are getting easy services in may cases like e-commerce, e-learning, e-banking and so on for IT. Traditional system turned into digital system. Well, my topic is not about the present world or the advantages of IT but my dream of my career. So, come to the main point.
Less or more everyone has a dream that one-day he/she will be the boss of a office and will do work in a AC room with laptop or computer.
I also have such dream about my career. At present, I am a student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering department and I am a job holder. I work in a garments factory where I am to look after electrical side.
But I am not satisfied with this job. My dream is that I will be an IT expert and will work in this sector with my full energy and enthusiasm. At present I am working on blogging and web design. Very soon, I will learn web development and will work in this sector. I need your cordial prayer to make my dream true.
Thanks for reading my post.

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