Traditional Education Vs Online Education

In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most gracious.

 All praise is due to Allah. May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him after whom there is no other prophet.
Dear readers, take my salam, Assalamualaikum.
I am optimistic that you all are well by the grace of Almighty Allah. Alhamdulillah, I am also well by His immense mercy.

Internet has brought the world much closer to us. It has turned the world into village which is called global village. All the information are available in internet. Before inventing the Internet, we often were to go to a library for finding an information. To get an information we were to find lots of book and it consumed much time. But after inventing Internet we can find any information within a moment. 

In our traditional education system, we often failed to get our desired subject to study. We find much difficulty to understand our teacher’s lecture. We are to go to school, college or university for attending class everyday where we get a crowd as a common matter. Besides we are pay a healthy amount of money for our courses.
But in online education, we have no these aforementioned disadvantages we find in our traditional educational system.
    Here are some five advantages in line education below.

     1. You can learn your desired subject.

In online education, you can learn whatever you want. Suppose you passed HSC in this year with gpa-5 and you desire is to study in physics subject. You give admission test in some public university but you don’t get your desired Physics subject to study, instead you get chemistry which you afraid of and never wanted to study in chemistry. 

It is no very uncommon phenomenon in our country Bangladesh. For this system many students don’t have a dream for future but they depend on the university authority’s subject selection for their future.
And they are bound to study in the subject they get. As a result most of the students cant concentrate on their study and don’t have the exact enjoyment in study but they bored.

But In online education, you no need to depend on anyone else but you.
There are many courses in internet. You can study in a subject whatever you want to. So, don’t fear to have a dream and don’t depend on university anymore. Cherish you dream and here is they way for fulfilling your dream in online.  

2.Comfortable environment.
In our traditional education system, we are to listen our teacher’s lecture a lot of student together. And it is not very uncommon that someone make noise in the class room.
But in online, you no need to go to your campus in a crowd and noisy class room.
Rather you teacher will come to you wherever you feel comfort to hear his/her lecture. I mean you can watch your teacher’s lecture staying in your comfort zone by internet which al almost impossible in traditional system. You can watch your teacher’s lecture in your room, sitting in your flower garden (in you have), you also can do it on boat in the river in a moonlit night (it will be more interesting). You even do it when you are stack in a traffic jam.

3.There is no course duration.
In our traditional education system, we are to follow a duration to complete a course. How much you study, you have no change to grow faster. You are bound to spend your 4 0r 6 months for a semester. Again, if you are a dull student and cant complete your syllabus within your semester duration you have no chance to take more one month to complete your syllabus. You have to go to the next semester or you have to stay in current semester fully.
But in online education, you can grow faster as your talent and time.  There is no 4 or 6 months for a semester.
     You also can do many courses all together.

    4. There are many teachers for a course.

In our traditional education, system we usually get a teacher for a subject. Sometimes the teacher is skilled in teaching and sometimes he is not much skilled in teaching. As a result, sometimes we find difficulty to get the lesion from teacher.
But, in online education, there many teachers for a subject. You can hear more then one teacher’s lecture for your better understand in any matter. 

5. Low cost.
In traditional education, system you can’t have a dream in a reputed private university unless your father is a millionaire.
To graduated from a private university we need more than 10 to 20 lacks taka. If you father is not millionaire or have no enough many and we don’t get chance in public university then your educational life will probably come to the end. But no.
Here is online education, to boost your talent with education.
In online education, you no need much more money.
If you have a smart phone with internet connection then you can get high leveled education.
So, don’t give up study for your poverty. Bright your life with online education’s light.

Now come to the Facebook education.
Facebook is nothing but a platform in internet. Facebook education is also internet education.
In Facebook you can study without even your data charge. Some mobile sim operator allow user to use Facebook without any charge.
So, you can learn from Facebook without any cost. 

Razib Ahmed has already proven the potential of Facebook education with his Search English group. He has been nominated as the Facebook community leader in Bangladesh for his contribution in education specially learning English by Search English group.
People are pond of spending time in facebook. If they spend their time in Educational group with enjoyment that it will be much better to learn from Facebook. Razib Ahmed has used this idea and he succeed.
As a member of SearchEnglih group I have some my own experience regarding on line education. 

Before I enrolled in online education, I was a frustrated guy and I had no ability to write a single sentence in English or even an article  in Bengali language. But after spending some days with Search English group and following whatever Razib Ahmed asked, I got my improvement. I consider that online education specially Facebook education is much fruitful platform. 

Thanks for reading my post.

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